JAKARTA - TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto emphasized that the TNI and Polri are ready to help accelerate the COVID-19 vaccination in Jambi by coming directly to communities and community settlements.

"Accelerating vaccination is one way to suppress the spread of COVID-19 and accelerate the formation of herd immunity in Jambi," said the TNI Commander, quoted by Antara, Friday, September 17.

Therefore, the TNI Commander together with the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo directly observed the implementation of mass vaccination at the Ratu Convention Center, Jambi.

The activity is targeted to be able to vaccinate 2,000 people, including students, youth aged 12-17, and the general public. The mass vaccination was supported by 62 health workers who served as vaccine interpreters.

In addition to directly reviewing vaccinations, the TNI Commander together with the National Police Chief virtually supervised the implementation of vaccinations in several areas in Jambi Province.

During a visit to Jambi, the TNI Commander appreciated the work of the Jambi Provincial Government which succeeded in suppressing positive cases.

"Currently, Jambi Province is experiencing improvements in handling the pandemic, which is marked by a downward trend in confirmed cases, treatments, and deaths. However, we need to continue to observe the development of real data and facts on the ground," he said.

"Data that is continuously updated directly is important information to ensure the development of the pandemic situation and determine policies," he explained.

Hadi Tjahjanto asked the local government to increase the tracking ratio to 1:5 as the standard set by the central government.

The vaccination review activity is a series of visits by the TNI Commander to Jambi Province.

The Governor of Jambi and the Mayor of Jambi welcomed the arrival of the Commander and Chief of Police. The two regional officials directly conveyed the pandemic situation in Jambi.

Nevertheless, the TNI Commander reminded the ranks of the Provincial Government and the Jambi City Government to remain vigilant in enforcing health protocol rules and always actively carry out inspection, tracking, and treatment activities.

In this regard, the TNI Commander asked the local government to continue to provide centralized isolation services, ensuring that health workers, medicines, and oxygen are always available.

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