JAKARTA - Spokesperson for handling COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto (Yuri) said that 22,379 specimens had been examined in the laboratory as of Sunday, July 12. Accumulatively, the number of specimens examined during the COVID-19 pandemic has reached one million.

"Today we examined 22,370 specimens so that the total specimens we have examined are 1,061,367 specimens," said Yurianto in a press conference broadcast on the BNPB YouTube account, Sunday, July 12.

Of the 22,370 specimens examined, there were 1,681 new cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia. So that the total accumulated transmission of this virus reaches 75,699 people.

Meanwhile, the number of patients who died from COVID-19 reached 71 people. So that accumulated, patients who died reached 3,606 people. Meanwhile, those who recovered, said Yurianto, totaled 919 people and the total national accumulation was 35,638 people.

On the other hand, he explained the distribution of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. According to data from the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, East Java is still in the top position as a region that reports additional cases of COVID-19. Recorded, there were 518 new cases in East Java Province and the number of recovered patients reached 207 people.

Following East Java, there is also DKI Jakarta which reported 404 new cases and 160 people were declared cured. Then under Jakarta is South Sulawesi which reported 173 new cases of COVID-19 transmission and reported 107 patients who were declared cured.

"Then Central Java (reported, red) 70 new cases and 30 recovered. Papua reported 63 new cases and 7 recovered. West Java 50 new cases and 10 recovered," he said.

Furthermore, there are 17 provinces that today reported the addition of cases under 10 and there are five provinces that did not experience the addition of new cases. The five provinces are Bangka Belitung, Jambi, North Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara.

Yurianto also said that there were several areas that reported higher cases of recovery than the addition of COVID-19 cases. Some of these areas are Bali which reported 48 new cases and 50 people recovered, followed by Banten which reported 12 new cases with 50 people recovering.

In addition, Maluku also reported 10 additional new cases but reported 25 recovered from COVID-19, West Kalimantan reported 3 new cases and 12 recovered, then Southeast Sulawesi reported 2 new cases with 5 recovered.

"The new cases we have received are mostly from the massive tracing we did from close contact with confirmed positive cases," he said.

He also stated that most of the patients who contracted COVID-19 recently did not need hospital treatment and were self-isolating. Because they do not complain of experiencing severe clinical symptoms due to COVID-19.

"Overall, some of the new cases that we get today are new cases for which there is no indication for hospitalization. Those with minor illness and some even feel no pain, no complaints at all," he concluded.

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