JAKARTA - ES, the initials, a resident of Duri Bangkit, Jembatan Besi, Tambora, West Jakarta, is languishing behind the prison walls of the Tambora Police Headquarters. ES was arrested by a member of the Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Reskrim) for breaking into the house of a resident, Stevanus Meidyanto, on Jalan Jembatan Besi, Gang Rana RT 05/07, Kelurahan Jembatan Besi, Tamboran, West Jakarta.

Not only breaking into Stevanus' house, the 30-year-old man also stole 1 cellphone and 2 Tabs. The total loss to the victims is estimated to be in the tens of millions.

"The suspect carried out the theft by climbing over the victim's house through the balcony. Then he entered through the window of the victim's house," said Tambora Police Chief Kompol Moh Faruk Rozi when confirmed, Thursday, September 16, evening.

After successfully entering the victim's house through the window, the perpetrator immediately took a number of valuable electronic items belonging to the victim. Among them are 1 unit of black Samsung Type A51 cellphone, 1 unit of blue Samsung Tab S6 Lite and 1 black Samsung Tab A Lite unit.

"The victim's theft was caught by the victim. Then the victim screamed that there was a thief," he said.

Knowing his action was caught by the owner of the house, the perpetrator panicked. He tried to escape by jumping out of the house through the balcony. However, the act of reckless self-defense of the perpetrators turned into a disaster for him.

Both legs of the perpetrator sprained and again forced to flee with great difficulty. The perpetrator managed to escape.

The victim also reported the theft case to the Tambora Police Headquarters. Thanks to the information on the characteristics of the perpetrators mentioned and their identities, the Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit immediately arrested the perpetrators.

"The perpetrator managed to escape with a limp. However, one of the victim's family recognized the perpetrator. The victim also reported the Tambora Police," he said.

Based on this information, the police chief immediately ordered his members to make arrests. The arrests were led by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Suparmin. Then the perpetrator of ES was arrested at his home while he was sleeping while feeling pain in his leg.

"After interrogation of the perpetrator, ES admitted that he sprained his leg after carrying out the theft. The perpetrator and the evidence were brought to the Tambora Police for further processing. The perpetrator was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code," he said.

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