MEDAN - The progress of vaccination in North Sumatra is the concern of President Joko Widodo. The President highlighted the imbalance in vaccination rates in the North Sumatra region and asked that it be corrected immediately.

Initially, Jokowi said the achievement of vaccination for the elderly in North Sumatra was quite good even though it only reached 24 percent.

"In terms of vaccination, in North Sumatra in general 26 percent, although 24 percent I think it's good enough because there are 15 others," said Jokowi at the North Sumatra Governor's official residence, Medan, Thursday, September 16.

Jokowi then conveyed a message to be careful because of the imbalance in vaccination in the regions of North Sumatra. Jokowi said that there are areas where 82 percent of their citizens have been vaccinated, but there are other areas where only 7 percent have been vaccinated.

"Then be careful, the TNI Commander has said that there is a gap between certain cities and existing regencies. The numbers are very far, 82 percent to 7 percent," said Jokowi.

From the data presented by Jokowi, the area in North Sumatra where the vaccination rate reaches 82 percent is Pakpak Bharat Regency. Meanwhile, the area where 7 percent of the population is still vaccinated is South Nias Regency.

Jokowi said the high vaccination rate in an area is a good thing. However, there should not be a very wide disparity between each region.

"Be careful. Because we can't do it alone, for example Pematangsiantar, at best 100 percent. But the left and right are still 14 percent, it doesn't mean anything," said Jokowi.

Jokowi then encouraged regional heads with low vaccination rates to immediately improve. Jokowi asked the Pangdam I/BB and the North Sumatra Police Chief to help carry out vaccinations in the area.

"I ask the Regional Military Commander, the Regional Police Chief to be deployed, to be chased, later I will ask the TNI commander to add a vaccinator so that the areas that still have 7,8,11, 11.12 numbers are pursued," Jokowi explained.

There are also areas highlighted by Jokowi because the vaccination rate is still low, namely North Labuhanbatu (12.9 percent), Mandailing Natal (12.0 percent), Nias (11.8 percent), Langkat (11.2 percent), North Nias (8 .3 percent) and South Nias (7.7 percent).

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