JAKARTA - Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that the expenditure issued by the government in the health sector is an average of IDR 490 trillion per year, including a very large nominal because it is influenced by curative factors. Health Social Security (BPJS) is part of it," said Budi Gunadi Sadikin while attending the Working Meeting agenda with Commission IX of the DPR RI which was attended virtually from Jakarta, Thursday afternoon. through the private sector and the local government sector, which are almost the same size. There is even more spending than BPJS Health. "The figure of Rp490 trillion for health spending every year is a dominant expenditure issued by our society," he said.

According to Budi, the same situation also occurs in almost all countries with growth in health spending which is always above the economic growth per capita of a country. According to Budi, the government is currently facing the challenge of reducing spending figures effectively and efficiently in the health sector. Budi reports the results analysis of the Ministry of Health on health spending in a number of countries. "If we look at the spending of all Indonesians, it is still mostly concentrated in hospitals and as we know, spending on the curative side is much more expensive and less effective than spending on the promotive and preventive side. "One example is government spending during the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. "If we carry out preventive promotions to keep us healthy, we just need to buy masks, vitamin C, vitamin D and if we have a little zinc and sports shoes to keep us healthy," he said. According to Budi, the expenditure for individual daily needs may not reach Rp1 million. within a month to keep a person's condition healthy and not affected by COVID-19."But if we want to cure from COVID-19, curative action from COVID-19 if it is infected, if it's mild, at least go to the hospital using (therapeutic drug) remdesivir for decades. million. If it's even worse, Actemra could need hundreds of millions," he said. According to Budi, health interventions in the promotive and preventive sectors will be much cheaper, and can even make people more comfortable. "Because no matter how good a hospital room is, people are happier stay at home. That's not visible from the health spending in the government in our country, "he said.

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