JAKARTA - The Ministry of Women and Child Protection (PPA) and the Ministry of Social Affairs admitted that they were cheated on the case of 305 street children abusing a French national, Francois Abello Camille.

The Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P Batubara said that his party will prepare a number of locations to accommodate 305 children who have become victims. Later, the children will undergo a process of rehabilitation and psychological assistance.

"We are ready to accommodate victims if needed to be rehabilitated. Of course, if given the mandate to carry out rehabilitation, we are ready as long as the legal process takes place and the recovery process," said Juliari in Jakarta, Thursday, July 9.

According to him, disclosing this case is an achievement for the ranks of Polda Metro Jaya, but a hard slap at the Ministry of Social Affairs. Because, with this fact there are still many children who the government still doesn't really understand.

For that, in the future his party will take preventive steps. In fact, he said, there must be cooperation between institutions, including the community.

"The easiest is that the early warning system must be better," said Juliari

Meanwhile, Deputy of Child Protection of the Ministry of PPA, Nahar added, his party would encourage compensation for children who were victims. Later, the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) will be asked to calculate the losses suffered by the victims.

"We try to coordinate with investigators and then with the LPSK. If we meet these requirements we encourage the LPSK to process the restitution administratively, the LPSK will later measure the losses caused by crimes," said Nahar.

If later the calculation process has been completed, the LPSK will ask the perpetrator to pay a sum of money as maintenance costs. However, if the perpetrator is unable, this will be used as compensation or borne by the state.

"For treatment and all kinds of things, it is more in the direction of costs if the perpetrator is capable of restitution for him, if the perpetrator is not able to then compensation can be proposed," concluded Nahar.

This case was revealed to have started with information about cases of child exploitation in a hotel in West Jakarta. After the investigation process, the police arrested Francois.

From the results of the examination, it was revealed that the man who was often called Frans had exploited hundreds of underage children for several years. This is evidenced by the hundreds of video recordings showing acts of sexual harassment against the victims.

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