JAKARTA - Insikt Group reported that there were hacks in 10 Indonesian government ministries and institutions, including those belonging to BIN (State Intelligence Agency).

It is said that the hack was carried out by Mustang Panda Group, a Chinese hacker using a private ransomware called Thanos.

Even this hack is directly linked to China's espionage efforts in an effort to deal with the warming situation in the South China Sea.

The allegation is based on a report from Insikt Group, the cyber threat research division of Recorded Future (a US cybersecurity company) which found that intrusions had occurred since March 2021.

Insikt Group is said to have notified the Indonesian government of the findings in June and July 2021 but did not receive a response.

In response, DPR Commission I member Muhammad Iqbal asked the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and related ministries to immediately coordinate with the Insikt Group to request evidence regarding reports of alleged hacking of the system.

"It is also important to know the weaknesses in the system of our institutions and ministries. And what was the motive for the intrusion," Iqbal told reporters, Tuesday, September 14.

Iqbal regretted that the BIN system and a number of Ministries were actually hacked. Because according to him, this proves that the system of BIN and the Indonesian Ministry is still very weak.

"If an institution like BIN can be hacked, it is inconceivable with the cyber security system from other Ministries and Institutions. It is not surprising that BPJS, the Ministry of Health, and other institutions can concede," said Iqbal.

The secretary of the PPP MPR faction reminded that the report from the Insikt Group should be a trigger for all Ministries and Institutions to improve the security system, such as by starting a security assessment.

Including improving human resources and good cyber security governance in their respective institutions.

"The case of hacking the system of ministries and institutions should not be allowed to drag on so that the public does not become worried and state secrets are known to other countries," concluded Iqbal.

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