SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked schools that have been allowed to carry out face-to-face learning (PTM), both pilot and limited stages, to make daily reports as an accumulation in the weekly evaluation.

"Earlier, there was an expert suggestion from Undip for a weekly evaluation, so I think a daily report should be made. The daily accumulation will be for weekly evaluation," he said in Semarang, reported by Antara, Tuesday, September 14.

According to Ganjar, the evaluation will be used as a basis for future policy making regarding PTM because in several work visits in the regions, there are still violations of health protocols in schools.

"The proof is that when I stopped by in Klaten and Boyolali, there were still teachers who greeted me without wearing a mask, students entering without wearing a mask, even though only one, sitting side by side. This is small and has not been implemented, let alone big or heavy ones," he said. , he continued, it is necessary to carry out continuous education and careful preparations, both facilities and infrastructure, teachers and students must be really ready.

"Like in Tegal City, for example, it's almost 100 percent. They want to open everything, but first, the existing preparations must be calculated. Don't let that readiness just claim that I'm ready, it's not enough. Facilities and infrastructure must be tested, teacher and students," he said.

Mentioned about PTM in higher education, Ganjar immediately allowed to conduct trials, but with a note that he had to coordinate with the Central Java Provincial Government.

"Universities already exist in the hybrid model UNS, if we allow it, please try it out. We just need to coordinate if there is a trial at the university. I think it's okay, start," he said.

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