JAKARTA - The West Papua Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) released an Irian Hedgehog or Zaglossus bruijnii, a rare wild animal that is almost extinct, along with dozens of bird species at the Sorong City Nature Park, Tuesday, September 14. Reported from Antara, the Irian Hedgehog and dozens of walik birds, forest pigeons and yellow-faced mino birds that were released wildly in the Sorong City Nature Park were the result of operations from BBKSDA and other relevant agencies. a joint team from BBKSDA, Agricultural Quarantine, KP3 Marine Police who thwarted smuggling via ships at seaports this week. He explained that these animals were released after receiving the results of security from quarantine. BBKSDA then made observations on these animals and it was found that these animals were still wild because they were caught from nature, so they had to be returned to their habitat.

Especially for the Irian Hedgehog or commonly called the Ekidna, it is one of the endangered animals that is protected so it is strictly prohibited to be trafficked outside Sorong. It is said that in the Sorong City Nature Park, BBKSDA officers saw several children of the Irian Hedgehog so that the hedgehog resulting from this operation was released in the park. He hopes that by releasing these animals, people will realize that the biodiversity of Papua and West Papua needs to be maintained and a serious concern from all parties.

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