JAYAPURA - The Commander of Korem (Danrem) 172/PWY Brigadier General Izak Pangemanan said, from reports received by the armed criminal group (KKB) led by Lamek Taplo during a shootout with TNI-Polri officers in Kiwirok, Bintang Mountains Regency, carrying 10 firearms. allegedly belonging to the TNI. The firearms that were brought were allegedly owned by the TNI-AD which were obtained from the wreckage of the MI 17 helicopter crash on June 28, 2019, which carried 12 soldiers including five members of Battalion 725/WRG. from the wreckage of a helicopter crash," said TNI Brigadier General Izak Pangemanan, in Jayapura, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, September 14. He explained that from reports received the shootout with the KKB began when members of Battalion 403/WP who are members of the Border Security Task Force saw a group of KKB carrying firearms, so they gave chase Then the KKB burned several public facilities in Kiwirok, such as the puskesmas, market, elementary school building, BPD Papua cash office, and residents' houses. , what KKB did to health workers outside of humanity. When members of the TNI-Polri were still looking for one medical worker whose whereabouts were not yet known, while two people who were reported missing had been found injured in the ravine. ravine, and when they were about to evacuate they were fired upon by the KKB, said Danrem 172 PWY Brigadier General Izak Pangemanan as well.

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