JAKARTA - The smuggling of Harley Davidson motorbikes and Brompton bikes via Garuda Indonesia aircraft has faded. In fact, the case that was under the spotlight has been handled by Customs investigators for seven months. However, until now there has been no progress.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD was furious because this case seemed slow. The former chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) also asked the subordinates of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, namely the Director General of Customs and Excise Heru Pambudi to immediately resolve the case. This case allegedly involved Ari Askhara when he was the President Director of PT. Garuda Indonesia.

Mahhud rejected the COVID-19 pandemic as the reason for disclosing this case. Moreover, this case occurred before this outbreak appeared.

"I asked how the Garuda case was progressing, he said, but because there was Covid-19 it was a little hindered. I said not to be hampered by Covid-19," Mahfud said in his office after meeting Director General Heru, Tuesday (7/7/2020).

Mahfud's firm order can be interpreted as a continuation of a meeting between Mahfud and leaders of law enforcement agencies such as the National Police Chief, Attorney General and the Chairman of the KPK, two weeks ago. As ordered by President Jokowi, Mahfud asked law enforcers not to play around in gray areas.

"Many cases are pending. Many cases from P-19 to P-21 to P-17, P-18 often go back and forth, many cases. We ask the AGO, the Police and the KPK how to solve them so they don't go back and forth. back, there will be legal certainty immediately. If it has to be processed, then it is processed, if not, don't go back and forth, "said Mahfud some time ago.

Regarding the Harley-Garuda case, Mahfud repeated the President's orders. Namely to convey the settlement of the case transparently.

Moreover, this case is a major event, so law enforcers must be accountable to the public. If there are difficulties, Mahfud asked that the reasons be conveyed to the public.

"If not, how do I do it (investigating smuggling cases)," Mahfud whipped.

Before Mahfud, the handling of the Harley-Garuda case had actually been 'chased' by the Banten Provincial High Court (Kejati) for a long time. In fact, the Head of the Banten Prosecutor's Office has sent letters twice to the Director General of Customs and Excise.

According to the information obtained, the first letter was sent by Kajati Banten on January 22, 2020, asking about the progress of the investigation. The letter was then replied to by Customs and Excise on March 3, 2020, which contained, among other things, that witnesses had been examined and confiscated evidence in the form of a Harley motorcycle.

Kajati Banten is again pursuing the Director General of Customs and Excise by sending a second letter dated May 27, 2020. The letter contains a request for the development of the investigation results of Harley Garuda who is suspected of violating Law No. 17 of 2006 on Customs.

In the letter which was also copied to the Attorney General and the Minister of Finance, the Banten Attorney General's Office emphasized that they had not received the transfer of the Harley case file from Customs and Excise. Instead of determining suspects, Customs and Excise have only been limited to examining witnesses and confiscating evidence. In fact, the investigation of the case has been started since 9 December 2019.

In fact, this smuggling case received direct attention from Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, who is none other than the direct supervisor of the Director General of Customs and Excise.

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