JAKARTA - The government has allowed three tourist attractions in Jakarta to be opened, one of which is Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). Public Relations of TMII, Adi Widodo, said that the tourist attractions will be opened starting Friday, September 17.

"The trial opening of TMII will be held on September 17," Adi said when contacted, Tuesday, September 14.

Currently, Adi said, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) is conducting an assessment of TMII to be able to obtain certificates based on cleanlines, health, safety, environmental sustainability (CHSE).

"Since September 13-16, an assessment is being carried out to obtain a CHSE certificate from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. TMII already has the certificate and now is the time to evaluate it because it must be extended every year," he said.

Adi said that the rides that will be opened later are a bird park, a Komodo reptile park, and a cable car. However, activities in regional platforms are limited.

"The regional pavilion is only limited to the yard. For traditional houses it has not been opened," he said. Later, visitors who will enter the TMII area must have been vaccinated. TMII requires visitors to screen through the PeduliLindung application. Ticket purchases can be made online or at the counter.

Then, children under 12 years old are not allowed to enter TMII. Every visitor is required to apply health protocols.

"The permitted visitor capacity is 25 percent, so TMII can accommodate 15 thousand visitors," he concluded.

In addition to TMII, tourist attractions that are allowed to open are Ancol Dreamland and Setu Babakan.

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