JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron, denied reports that an offer for employees who did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK) was distributed to SOEs as long as they resigned first.

"None of us has asked for resignations and other things," said Ghufron to reporters, Tuesday, September 14.

He said he did not know anything about the existence of distribution forms such as those circulating among the non-active employees and again mentioned that it was precisely the dozens of employees who needed the assistance of the KPK leadership.

"The form (form, ed) I don't know. If it's offered, it's not offered. They said that, yes, they asked why the leadership didn't think about them, that's it," said Ghufron

Moreover, not all employees who did not qualify were hard to resist, but there were those who tried to keep earning a living. "It means that those with TMS have various levels, some are against it, then some are asking for help," explained Ghufron.

"Maybe someone asked for help, they might initiate among themselves, that's possible," he added. It was previously reported that KPK employees who were declared ineligible (TMS) or did not pass the TWK as a condition for changing employee status to State Civil Apparatus (ASN) ) was lured to move to another place. However, they were asked to first sign a letter of application for distribution to the KPK leadership.

According to a VOI source, this offer was a follow-up to a KPK leadership meeting and several people had already been offered it by officials in the KPK structure. Especially, those who are not so loud.

Similarly, another source confirmed that several employees were offered to fill out a letter of application for distribution. However, it is not clear what the requirements and considerations for selecting certain employees will be because they will be offered via written message or telephone.

This was later confirmed by a senior KPK investigator, Novel Baswedan, who is now inactive. He said that several of his friends had been handed a letter of application for distribution, which must be accompanied by a statement of resignation from the KPK.

"Yes, some of my friends were contacted by KPK personnel who are believed to have knowledge of the KPK leadership and were asked to sign a letter of resignation and request that it be distributed to SOEs," Novel said in a written statement to reporters quoted on Tuesday, September 14.

"For us it is an insult," he added.

For information, as many as 75 KPK employees were initially declared unsuccessful or did not meet the requirements in the TWK assessment process as a condition for employee status transfer. Of this number, 24 of them can be trained, although recently only 18 have participated in the training for State Defense and National Insight.

So the total number of employees who are considered unable to be trained and do not want to carry out training because their request for clarity on the results of the TWK has not been given is 56 people. Later, tens of these people will be fired at the end of October according to the implementation limit for the transfer of status.

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