JAKARTA - Tambora Police Chief Kompol Moh Faruk Rozi said the curanmor (motor vehicle theft) carried out by AT and HA had been planned. Even the police chief said, the two perpetrators had their respective duties.
"The AT perpetrator ordered HA alias AA to bring his motorbike. Meanwhile, the AT perpetrator took the stolen motorbike to the Angke area," Faruk Rozi told reporters, Monday, September 13.
The motorbike that was stolen by the perpetrator will be sold or pawned to someone known to the perpetrator.
"The motorbike was pawned for Rp. 500 thousand rupiah. The proceeds from the sale of the motorbike were then shared together," he said.
The distribution of the proceeds of crime is regulated by the AT perpetrators. He gave his friend, HA, around Rp. 100 thousand. The rest they use for spree.
"The perpetrators of AT received money from the crime of Rp. 50 thousand and HA received money worth Rp. 100 thousand," he said.
Previously reported, AT alias Ajat (32) a resident of Tambora and HA alias AA (28) a resident of Palmerah did not move when he was arrested by members of the Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit. Both were arrested for stealing Hery Lesmana's motorbike.
Tambora Police Chief Kompol Moh Faruk Rozi said his party had arrested 2 young men with the initials AT alias Ajat and HA alias AA for having an evil consensus to take a motorbike that didn't belong to him.
"The two youths were arrested by the police after they were desperate to take away the motorbike by entering the victim's house through the window and taking the keys to the victim's motorbike," concluded the Tambora Police Chief.
Meanwhile, the motorcycle theft was caught on CCTV on Jalan Dato Tonggara Six, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta.
In CCTV footage, it appears that a theft perpetrator walked towards a contract that was on the road.
From the surveillance of CCTV cameras, the perpetrator first monitored the situation around him. The perpetrators also had time to hide when there was a passing vehicle.

"Around 03.11 WIB, he was riding around the area here, at 3.19 WIB, he immediately took a motorbike and there was a motorbike that passed by him and he hid first, then left through the back gate," said the victim, Dani Endaryanti, Monday, September 13.
Then, it's time to make sure it's safe. The perpetrator immediately launched his action by breaking the ignition of the vehicle parked in the backyard of the contract.
"Yes, my motorbike was locked, it was broken into by him," he said.
In less than five minutes, the perpetrator managed to get away with the victim's automatic motorcycle numbered B 4513 TUX.
"The action was fast, he took him away. Then he took advantage of the residents who were sleeping too," he said.
For this incident, the victim has reported the perpetrator's actions to the Kramat Jati Police, East Jakarta.
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