BANJARMASIN - The South Kalimantan Police are processing reports of alleged wrongful arrests by members of the National Police in Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST) Regency.

"The South Kalimantan Police Propam has summoned the member concerned to be investigated. We are firm, so it will be processed immediately," said Head of Public Relations of the South Kalimantan Police Kombes Mochamad Rifa'i in Banjarmasin quoted by Antara, Monday, September 13.

He emphasized that if the allegations of wrongful arrest by unscrupulous members are proven to be true, then sanctions will be imposed.

"We are asking for information from witnesses to make sure there is a problem. What is certain is that members of the National Police must be professional in handling cases, there should be no violence, let alone arresting people," continued Rifa'i.

Previously, the Chairperson of the Coordinating Board for the Islamic Student Association (HMI) of South Kalimantan, Zainuddin, together with the Chairs of the Banjarmasin, Barabai, and Banjarbaru HMIs and a colleague who was said to be the victim of a wrongful arrest, M Rafii visited the Propam Division of the South Kalimantan Police, Saturday, September 11.

They complained about the alleged wrongful arrest by a police officer of his colleague, M Rafii at the HMI Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST) Secretariat, Walangsi-Kapar Ring Road, Banua Budi Village, HST Regency, South Kalimantan on Wednesday, September 8.

Zainuddin explained that his colleague was taken by police officers in an arrest that was said to be related to a motor vehicle theft case in North Hulu Sungai Regency (HSU).

According to Zainuddin, Rafii was interrogated at HST before being taken to the HSU Police. However, when he was at the HSU Police, he was released on the grounds that there were parties who guaranteed him. Rafii was then picked up by his colleagues and family.

Zainuddin emphasized that the incident at the HMI HST Secretariat had the potential to damage HMI's image, especially in the eyes of the people around the secretariat.

The reason is that the incident was thought by residents to be the arrest of a suspect in drug trafficking.

"Because at the time of the incident, there were warning shots that made local residents arrive. We want this problem to be resolved and police officers who violate the procedure will be dealt with firmly," he said.

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