JAKARTA - A driver who was blackmailed by the DKI Transportation Agency (Dishub), Eko Saputro, gave a further confession about the incident he experienced.

After this case went viral and was followed up by the DKI Dishub, Eko admitted that the Dishub person had returned Rp500 thousand of money and asked him to withdraw the report on the extortion of money.

"The Transportation Agency came to the pool to return Rp500 thousand. After that, I was called again so I could withdraw the report," said Eko in a live broadcast on FAKTAID Youtube, Monday, September 13. Eko replied that he did not know anything about the extortion case report.

"I said I don't know. Yes, the (phone) was immediately turned off," he continued.

In response to this, the Chairman of the Jakarta City Citizens Forum (Fakta) Azas Tigor Nainggolan considered what the Dishub person had done was inappropriate. Because, Tigor admitted that he was the one who reported the case.

"They tried to pressure Mr. Eko as the driver to withdraw the report. Even though it was me who reported it to the Head of the Transportation Service, Mr. Syafrin Liputo. I should have been asked to withdraw, don't press the driver," said Tigor.

Moreover, said Tigor, if Dishub officers found fault with the driver while driving, they should have imposed sanctions on the detention of documents such as driver's license and vehicle registration, not extorting money.

Currently, the two individuals from the DKI Dishub have been given a temporary dismissal for one year by the DKI Inspectorate. In addition, they have also received a 30 percent cut in regional performance allowances for 9 months. Then, they cannot receive promotions for 1 year.

According to Tigor, it was not enough. This is because the act of extortion is a criminal subject contained in Articles 368 and 369 of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHP). Therefore, he asked the police to investigate the case.

"Based on Article 368 369 of the KHUP, the perpetrator of this extortion can be subject to this article with a 9-year criminal penalty because he committed extortion with violence. This means that the police should immediately enter this case by summoning, examining, and detaining the perpetrator," said Tigor.

"Don't let this pass. If this passes, it means that our law is being straddled by extortionists, lest the public no longer believes in the law. The Saber Pungli team formed by Mr. Jokowi should also move," he continued.

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