JAKARTA - The implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Java-Bali will end today. Tonight, the government will announce the extension of the PPKM in Java and Bali.
Meanwhile, PPKM outside Java and Bali will be implemented until 20 September.
Last week, many regions that received a reduction in the PPKM assessment level became more relaxed due to the improvement in the development of COVID-19 cases. How about this week?
Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, emphasized that PPKM will continue to be implemented for a long time. However, Wiku opens the possibility of changing the level of PPKM assessment in each region.
"I would like to say again that PPKM is currently a controlling instrument, so it will be used in the long term," said Wiku in a short message, Monday, September 13.
However, Wiku has not been able to explain how many regions have experienced a decline in the PPKM assessment level in the regions. This will be announced by the government by looking at the development of COVID-19 cases in each of their respective regions.
"The determination of the tightening-relaxation at each regional level depends on the condition of the case later. If an area experiences an improvement in case conditions or an increase in control capability, then the area will automatically be assessed as improving and the regional level will decrease," he said. In the Java-Bali PPKM a week Currently, the number of Java-Bali regencies/cities at level 4 is 11 regions, with previously 254 regencies/cities. Then, more and more districts/cities have dropped to level 2.
Then, DI Yogyakarta experienced a decrease in the level of assessment from level 4 to level 3. However, Bali Province was still included in level 4.
A number of regencies/cities outside Java-Bali also experienced a decline in the PPKM level assessment. Over the past week, there has been a decrease in the number of regencies/cities that experienced a decline in the PPKM level from level 4 to level 3, from 34 to 23.
Meanwhile, the number of provinces implementing PPKM Level 4 also decreased from seven provinces to two, namely East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan.
As of September 12, there were 3,779 new COVID-19 cases, with 109,869 active cases of COVID-19 on a national scale and the positivity rate of people this week fell to 4.23 percent.
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