BANDA ACEH - Joint officers from the Satpol PP/Wilayatul Hisbah (WH) with the TNI/Polri sealed a cafe business that violated Islamic law because it provided a place for an alcoholic party.

"We carried out the sealing on the basis of a study, and on the basis of repeated violations," said Head of Banda Aceh Satpol PP/WH Ardiansyah as quoted by Antara, Friday, September 10.

Ardiansyah said that during the first raid, officers found alcohol and also found seven women having an alcoholic party at the location.

Not only that, said Ardiansyah, the place of business has also violated PPKM level 4 which applies in Banda Aceh, but still violated even though the government had previously warned him.

"So we conclude, after receiving direction and approval from the leadership, we will seal this, and then later we will carry out the process of adjusting the applicable legal provisions," he said.

Ardiansyah said that his party admitted that they were disappointed that the cafe had been misused. Where the place of business provides a lot of space for closed karaoke which is not allowed.

This sealing lasts for one month or at least two weeks until the person concerned takes care of his business license again.

"If the permit is issued later, then there must be a change, it can't be like this again, and it's not allowed to divide the room, it must be changed completely and has the nuances of Islamic law," said Ardiansyah.

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