JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Cinema Managers (GPBSI) has agreed to open theaters on Wednesday, July 29. This is following the government which allowed cinemas to open during the COVID-19 pandemic.

GPBSI chairman Djonny Syafruddin said the cinemas to be opened consisted of Cinema XXI, CGV, Cinepolis, Dakota Cinema, Platinum, and New Star Cineplex.

"The cinema industry players have discussed and agreed to be able to resume cinema operations starting Wednesday, July 29, 2020 simultaneously throughout Indonesia," said Djonny in a written statement, Wednesday, July 8.

Ahead of the opening time, GPBSI is preparing a COVID-19 prevention protocol that will be applied to cinema facilities, employees, and visitors.

First, GPBSI prepares communication materials and socialization of the application of the COVID-19 protocol in the cinema environment. Then, conduct internal training related to the application of the new normality protocol in the cinema environment for all employees who will be on duty.

Furthermore, communicating with production houses regarding film readiness and promotional materials that will be carried out after the cinema can resume operations.

"For that, let us pray together that every preparation can go well. So that cinemas can again make a positive contribution to the growth of the creative economy sector, especially the Indonesian film industry," he explained.

The protocol for operating cinemas during the pandemic is regulated in the Joint Decree (SKB) of the Minister of Education and Culture and the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Number 02 / KB / 2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in the Cultural and Creative Economy Sector in the Determination Period for Health Emergencies The COVID-19 community.

In the decree, the protocols that must be applied include the use of personal protective equipment such as masks and faceshields for all employees, provision of hand washing facilities, periodic disinfection, temperature checking for all parties, giving warning signs to keep physical distance, and preventing crowds.

Likewise with visitors. Cinema visitors are asked to always wear masks, practice ethical culture of coughing and sneezing, avoid touching eyes, nose and face, and maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter.

Cinema managers are advised to sell tickets online to avoid queues. It is also recommended that ticket payments be made on a cashless basis.

In the business management protocol, they do not serve visitors who are not wearing masks, provide temporary isolation space for visitors whose body temperature is above 37.3 degrees Celsius, and limit the safe distance between spectators.

In addition, cinema management limits the number of viewers who enter at one time to a maximum of 50 percent of the theater capacity. Inside the theater room, management was asked to provide a sign to keep the distance between visitors. the distance between the seats is set to one seat alternation. The seats that are filled will be interspersed with 1 empty seat.

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