JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said the National Sports Week (PON) which will be held next month can be watched live by the public.

However, there are requirements that must be followed for spectators who come directly to the match venue, especially since this activity is carried out in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"As for the audience, we have now decided that every match can be watched (live, ed) with only two conditions," Mahfud said in a press conference broadcast on the YouTube of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Friday, September 10.

The two conditions are that spectators who come continue to apply health protocols and both the number of spectators will be limited. "So it can't be done in droves. That's the one watching live," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK).

For the implementation of the health protocol, viewers must register online. From the registration, it will be seen whether spectators who have registered have been vaccinated or not, their body temperature and the latest health conditions will also be detected.

Meanwhile, those who do not register because they are invited by the committee, such as traditional leaders, will be arranged by the committee.

"About the number of spectators will be notified and determined later whether the capacity is 100 percent, 50 percent, or 80 percent at each venue. It will be determined further," said Mahfud.

"What is clear is that you can watch live, it can be hybrid, it can be virtual," he added. Meanwhile, the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian asked the audience who were directly present at the location to be people who had been vaccinated against COVID-19. "This is already good compared to the one in Tokyo, there is absolutely no audience," he said on the same occasion.

So, he asked for the acceleration of the injection of vaccines in the Papua region as directed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to the Minister of Health, the National Police Chief, and the Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces. There are five areas that must be vaccinated immediately, namely Jaya Pura City, Jayapura Regency, Keerom Regency, Merauke City, and Mimika Regency.

"Because this is an agglomeration of parts that come and go every day," said Tito.

"Therefore, I think that Pak Kapolda, Pakdam, and other TNI ranks must work hard with the support of the ranks of the Regional Government, Health Centers to accelerate the rate of this vaccination," he concluded.

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