East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor Ensures To Build Habitable Houses For Residents
East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor /PHOTO VIA ANTARA

SAMARINDA - The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan ensures that the implementation of the Social and Environmental Responsibility Priority Program is sourced from corporate social responsibility funds in the form of the construction of livable houses for local communities.

"For this house construction program, I will meet Mr. Panglima (TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto, ed.) in Berau," said East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor while chairing a Limited Coordination Meeting on the Implementation of Priority Social and Environmental Responsibility Programs and Partnership and Community Development Programs. Environment in East Kalimantan Province in Samarinda quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 9.

The East Kalimantan Provincial Government has announced the construction of 1,000 livable houses for the poor in the area.

Isran Noor stated the importance of the support of TNI personnel to build livable houses for local residents.

In addition, funds from corporate social responsibility programs are prepared around Rp. 100 billion to build a type 45 house.

"We cooperate with the TNI to build it and if the army builds it, God willing, it will be good and of good quality," he said.

The type of livable house that will be built from the funds, said the number 1 person in "Etam Continent", is the same as 1,000 houses that have been built in East Kutai.

"The house is according to the design with a size of 45 square meters, complete with water reservoirs, 'closet' and other adequate facilities. Anyway, it is complete and the same as in East Kutai," said Norbaiti's husband.

Isran Noor emphasized that the house was built, not renovated or renovated. Houses are built on land owned by residents or land that has been prepared for the poor who do not own land.

"These poor people just come in, we build their houses which were built by TNI soldiers and financed by the company through their CSR funds," he said.

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