JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion has drawn up guidelines for the appointment of private madrasah teachers which will serve as a reference for the manager of the religious education unit in recruiting teachers. Madrasah Education Personnel (GTK) Muhammad Zain in a written statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, September 9. Zain said this guideline will be in the form of a Decree of the Minister of Religion (KMA) which is binding. The presence of this KMA will complement the regulations governing the appointment of teachers in community-run madrasas. Therefore, the guidelines that are being prepared must be oriented towards quality and accountable education. One of the items regulated in the KMA is that prospective teachers who are appointed must have S1 qualifications. "With this guideline, madrasas are expected to attract competent, professional teachers and with integrity so that the education process in madrasas will have superior quality," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Islamic Education at the Ministry of Religion Muhammad Ali Ramdhani advised that its preparation should pay attention to benefits, compliance with regulations and social dynamics. , don't make it difficult for madrasa teachers," he said. Ali said that madrasa teachers as the front line in preparing future generations have an important role. Therefore, madrasa teachers must have superior competence, both in terms of educational background and religious understanding. in two respects, science and religion," he said.

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