JAKARTA - The corona antiviral necklace, which is a product made by the Ministry of Agriculture's Balitbangtan (Ministry of Agriculture), is a topic of conversation in getting the work of Commission IV DPR. Members who attended questioned the product to the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo who was present at the meeting.

Member of Commission IV Mindo Sianipar from the PDIP faction admitted that he was not so sure that the necklace had effective properties to kill the COVID-19 virus. Mindo reminded the Ministry of Agriculture to be careful because in conveying information to the public.

"Later, make a statement, later it will be bullied. Like now you get information from your staff, what is that antivirus necklace. Technologically, I am not sure Sir regarding the antivirus technology," he said, during a hearing with the Ministry of Agriculture, Tuesday, July 7.

Mindo said that the Ministry of Agriculture should not be in a hurry to over-promote the eucalyptus aromatherapy products made by the Ministry of Agriculture's Balitbang.

"So if you use it now, please do not shoot the television. Later people will be competing to use it, because the ministers are using it," he said.

Mindo argued that his request came from the absence of evidence that the product had proven to be effective.

"Even though we don't know yet. So don't be like that yet. Sorry, friends from Balitbangtan have to be more selective in conveying that," he explained.

Meanwhile, Mindo's fraction partner, Charles Melkiansyah, said that the innovation made by the Ministry of Agriculture needed more in-depth evidence and research so that people believed in the properties contained in eucalyptus.

"Our notes are also very important and necessary, the Minister, do not take too much energy here. Then the main tasks and functions are forgotten. Research and development findings regarding this necklace in the future can be collaborated with other research institutions such as LIPI, the Ministry of Health and national universities. I want a clear technology, there is a clear form of cooperation, "he said.

Not the main function of the Ministry of Agriculture

Likewise, Suhardi Duka from the Democrat faction emphasized that he appreciated the good intentions of the Ministry of Agriculture. It's just that, in this regard he reminded the main duties and functions of the Ministry of Agriculture that should not focus on health care.

"This is the same as I think if drugs must be included in clinical trials, pharmacy and so on, I think it is the main function of the Ministry of Health. If the Ministry of Health reveals that this is of medicinal value I think its trust value is very high," he explained.

Ahmad Ali from the Nasdem faction regretted that this finding actually caused a stir in the community. Therefore, he reminded the Ministry of Agriculture to improve public communication regarding this matter.

"Maybe for my input, the narrative developed from the Ministry of Agriculture is more equated so that it doesn't cause uproar. I might be late in delivering this health necklace or whatever it is called. So that people don't get trapped," he said.

Moreover, said Ali, currently no one in the world has dared to claim that it has found research that has succeeded in controlling or killing the corona virus.

In recent times, there has been a lot of discussion about corona antiviral aromatherapy products based on the eucalyptus plant. The Agricultural Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) claims, who made it.

Meanwhile, this product is packaged in various forms such as inhaler necklaces, roll on, ointments, balms, and diffusers.

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