JAKARTA - The famous lawyer Hotman Paris Hutapea asked for a firm stance from the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) regarding whether or not Saipul Jamil could appear on television again.

Last September 6, KPI issued a press release asking all television broadcasters not to amplify and glorify Saipul Jamil's release in broadcast content.

KPI also asks broadcasters to be more careful in broadcasting content of acts that are against the law or that are contrary to etiquette and norms such as sexual deviation, prostitution, drugs, and other unlawful acts committed by artists or public figures.

"We hope that all broadcasters understand the sensitivity and ethics of public propriety towards the case that has befallen the person concerned and at the same time not reopen the trauma experienced by the victim", said Deputy Chairman of the Central KPI, Mulyo Hadi Purnomo at the time.

September 9, Saipul Jamil came to Hotman Paris. This lawyer confirmed that he was not Saipul Jamil's attorney. However, he asked KPI to issue a firm stance on Saipul Jamil's future on the small screen.

"Please KPI to emphasize, please KPI to write to the television company, whether it is permissible for Saipul Jamil to appear on television or not", said Hotman Paris on his Instagram account. When performing, Hotman was also accompanied by Saipul Jamil.

Hotman said, due to the statement of KPI's stance, none of the television stations dared to invite Saipul Jamil to come.

"For the sake of legal certainty, I beg KPI to confirm, in writing, whether or not Saipul Jamil can appear on television", said Hotman.

"Because the letter dated September 6 does not expressly prohibit it", said Hotman.

Saipul Jamil is currently facing a public petition boycotting him from appearing on television or YouTube. Judging by the editorial, until today, Thursday 9 September, the number of people who agree with the petition has reached 500 thousand signatures.

This petition is no joke. TRANS TV has been hit by the sap after being 'desperate' to invite Saipul Jamil to come to the Viral Coffee program which aired last Friday, September 3, 2021. TRANS TV was exposed to public blasphemy and finally made a statement apologizing and deleting Saipul's video from their YouTube channel.

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