JAKARTA - The Mayor of Atlanta, Lance Bottoms, was embarrassed to hear about the shooting case that occurred in his city on Saturday night, June 4. The reason is that the incident injured 20 people and claimed lives, including a child aged 8 years, Secoriea Turner. What is the chronology?

"It is enough!" said Bottoms in response to the tragedy. "You shoot and kill children. And it is not just one shooter, but two shooters," Bottoms said at a press conference.

Bottoms said he wanted people to have the same passion to end violence that occurred in society when demonstrations took place to push for police reform. "There have been more than 75 shooting cases in the city in the last few weeks," he said. "You can't blame that on the APD (Atlanta Police Department)."

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp also shared his condolences to the Secoriea family. "Our hearts are truly devastated because this precious life was taken for no reason," said Kemp via his Twitter account.


The chronology is this. Secoriea Turner was in the car with her mother and adult friend at the time. They just walked off University Avenue.

Police spokesman Sgt. John Chafee said, as quoted by USA Today, as the driver tried to enter a parking lot on Jalan Pryor 1238, just across the street from the fast food restaurant Wendy's - where a former policeman killed Rayshard Brooks - a group of armed men blocked the entrance.

Then, suddenly one of them opened fire on the car in which Turner was traveling. The bullets fired repeatedly and pierced the body of the eight year old boy.

Turner was then taken to the Atlanta Central Hospital. But his life could not be helped.

Local police described one of the shooters as having the characteristics of dressed as an assassin, wearing all black and the other gunner wearing a white shirt. However, more complete information is still being extracted by the local police. Police officers offer a reward of 10 thousand US dollars for the person who managed to find more information about this case.

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