MAKASSAR - A number of political parties (political parties) have responded to the decision to temporarily dismiss the Governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin Abdullah, which was signed by President Joko Widodo. The dismissal of the former Bantaeng Regent for two periods is related to a corruption case that is now being tried at the Makassar Corruption Court.

"We respect the decision. Likewise, the legal process faced by Mr. Nurdin. As the supporting party so far, of course we hope that he will remain firm in following the legal process," said Chairman of the South Sulawesi PAN DPW, Ashabul Kahfi, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 7.

Regarding the position of the proposed deputy governor candidate from his party, Kahfi said that there had been no discussion. Because Nurdin Abdullah is still undergoing the judicial process, including that there has been no final or binding decision.

"We'll just have to wait when asked. We have a mechanism. As a supporting party, if in the end it is asked, of course we will prepare the names, in accordance with the mechanism and the laws and regulations," he explained.

This DPR legislator revealed that after the temporary dismissal process by President Jokowi, everything was submitted to the legal process. Later, after the new inkrah decision, further discussion will be made, including the proposed names of candidates for representatives from the supporting parties. He said there were four names such as Usman Lontan, Syamsuddin Karlos, Irfan AB and Jamaluddin Djafar.

Asked whether there was a special discussion with the other two supporting political parties, namely the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and PDIP regarding the candidate for deputy, said Kahfi, it had not been discussed further.

"Of course each political party may put forward its candidate in the fit (feasibility test). I don't really know about that. But if the PAN is ready, we will leave it to the mechanism in the South Sulawesi DPRD," he said.

It was confirmed separately, the Chairman of the South Sulawesi PKS DPW, Amri Arsyid, also responded to the decree on the temporary dismissal. Regarding the candidate for deputy governor, he said, they are still being prepared seriously, if there is an inkrah decision from the court. In addition, his party will communicate with other supporting political parties.

"We will communicate with other supporting political parties. Yesterday we pushed four, but the DPP declared only two candidates, me and Mr. Musaying Arif. But everything was returned to the DPP because they had considerations. " he said.

Meanwhile, the secretary of the South Sulawesi PDI-P DPW, Rudy Piter Goni, has not yet commented on the candidate for deputy. They are still waiting for the outcome of the trial to determine the next steps.

Previously, President Joko Widodo signed the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia number 104/P of 2021 concerning the Temporary Dismissal of the Governor of South Sulawesi Nurdin Abdullah for the 2018-2023 term of office on August 12, 2021, and only circulated to the public on September 6.

The inactive Governor of South Sulawesi Nurdin Abdullah is currently still serving a period of detention at the Jakarta KPK Detention Center and is following the legal process at the Makassar Corruption Court via virtual. Nurdin was charged with accepting bribes of IDR 2.5 billion and S$150,000 related to an infrastructure project in South Sulawesi from his partner.

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