JAKARTA - The DPR leadership in charge of Coordinator for Industry and Development (Korinbang) Rachmat Gobel asked Commission VII for an explanation regarding the involvement of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the holding of state-owned enterprises (BUMN) Mining.

Gobel said, from the results of the meeting, it was explained that the CSR referred to was in the form of goods, not money such as masks, hand sanitizers, personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators, groceries, and other assistance.

"The involvement of DPR members in submitting CSR is not in the form of money or funds," he said, in an official statement received by VOI, Monday, July 6.

Meanwhile, the summons was the aftermath of three council members to be involved in channeling BUMN CSR funds. The three members of the council are Alex Noerdin, Ramson Siagian, and Eddy Soeparno

According to Gobel, these goods are also adjusted to the needs of each region and handed over directly to the relevant parties or the community as the mechanism that has been regulated by each mining BUMN in distributing CSR.

Furthermore, Gobel explained, the involvement of members of the Indonesian Parliament in the submission of the CSR BUMN mining holding was also in order to maximize its supervisory function. This is so that the contribution from the Mining SOE will run well.

"So that the contribution of mining SOEs during the COVID-19 pandemic will run well, be effective and on target to related parties or the community in need. In accordance with the meeting materials submitted by partners to the secretariat of Commission VII at the hearing ( RDP) June 30, "he said.

Gobel said that at the meeting the leadership of the DPR RI considered that what Commission VII conveyed was in accordance with the function to the authority.

"In the meeting to clarify the leadership of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, they assessed that what was conveyed by the leadership of Commission VII at the time of the RDP was in accordance with the functions of duties and authorities stipulated in the legislation," he explained.

According to Gobel, the polemic that occurs in society is purely due to misunderstanding due to limited information. Therefore, this meeting was held in order to straighten out the issues related to the CSR holding of the Mining BUMN.

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