DENPASAR - Bali Governor Wayan Koster issued Circular Letter (SE) number 15 of 2021 regarding PPKM COVID-19 in the order of life in a new era in Bali.

Governor Koster said that the current handling of COVID-19 in the Bali region still needs to be well controlled to prevent the increase in new cases

"It is important for all parties to continue to maintain the health, comfort, security and safety of the Balinese people," said Koster, Tuesday, September 7.

In the SE of the governor of Bali, it is stated that shopping centers, malls and trade centers are allowed to operate with a capacity of 50 percent until 21.00 WITA.

It is mandatory to use the PeduliLindung application to screen employees, employees and visitors.

"Visitors who are allowed to enter shopping centers, malls, trade centers are visitors who have received a second dose of COVID-19 vaccination," added Koster.

Then for high-risk community groups, such as pregnant women, residents aged under 12 years and over 70 years are not allowed to enter shopping centers, malls and trade centers.

As for restaurants, restaurants, cafes inside shopping centers, malls, trade centers, they can accept meals on the spot or dine-in with a maximum capacity of 25 percent and a maximum meal time of 30 minutes.

"And cinemas, children's playgrounds and entertainment venues within shopping centers, malls, commercial centers are closed," Koster said.

It also regulates that natural, cultural, artificial, spiritual, and touristic tourist attractions (DTW) will be tested and opened with a maximum visitor capacity of 50 percent by implementing very strict health protocols and using the Care Protect Application.

Meanwhile, those who travel by air can show negative results for H-1 antigen provided that they have received the second dose of vaccination, and negative results of H-2 PCR if they have just received the first dose of vaccination.

"Proof of having followed the vaccination is shown through the PeduliLindung application," he said.

Governor Koster also appealed to the people of Bali to obey and implement health protocols and implement a healthy and COVID-19-free lifestyle with 6M.

"For Balinese who have not taken the 1st injection or the 2nd injection, they should immediately follow the vaccination in their respective areas to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission," he said.

In addition, for the Balinese who are in close contact with residents who are confirmed positive for Covid-19, they must take the initiative and be willing to follow the tracing carried out by the TNI and Polri apparatus.

Then, for Balinese residents who experience initial symptoms of fever, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, loss of sense of smell and taste, they should immediately carry out PCR-based swab testing.

Furthermore, for those who are confirmed positive for COVID-19 without symptoms and mild symptoms, they should immediately take the initiative to carry out centralized isolation that has been prepared by the Provincial, Regency and City Governments.

"It is forbidden to self-isolate at home, so as not to spread to the family. For those who are confirmed positive for COVID-19 with moderate and severe symptoms, please immediately go to the Referral Hospital in their respective areas to avoid worsening conditions and endanger themselves," he said.

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