JAKARTA - The number of electric train (KRL) passengers at several stations in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabodetabek) is increasing. An increase in the number of passengers occurs every working hour or in the morning and evening.
Based on data as of July 6, prospective passengers began queuing at 05.30 WIB until the station parking lot. This condition was found in Cilebut, Bojong Gede, Bekasi and Rangkasbitung Stations.
It is recorded that until 10.00 WIB the number of passengers reached 166,044 people. That number is an increase of seven percent when compared with the data on June 29.
Vice President for Corporate Communication of PT KCI, Anne Purba said, the increase in the number of passengers was due to the increasing number of businesses or offices returning to operations. So, the employees of these companies return to work and use KRL as their transportation.
However, the number of companies that returned to operations was not accompanied by an arrangement or division of working hours. That way it has an impact on the accumulation of passengers at the same time.
"PT KCI expects cooperation from various parties to implement employee work arrangements in accordance with the Circular of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19 Number 8 of 2020 concerning working hours so that the mobility of KRL users can be spread," said Anne Purba in a statement, Monday, July 6. .
With the arrangement of working hours for company employees, continued Anne, this is the right step or solution to reduce passenger buildup. Moreover, it is also in line with efforts to prevent the spread or transmission of COVID-19.
If the company does not apply working hour regulations, what will happen is that the buildup of passengers at KRL stations will get worse. In fact, the potential for virus transmission is even greater.
"Setting working hours with the shift system is the most possible solution at this time to break down the density amid the number of users that have increased by 9-10 percent every week since the transition of PSBB. To make this happen, we certainly need support from various parties, especially in terms of setting hours. work, "explained Anne.
The buildup of prospective passengers at several stations is also due to the implementation of maximum restrictions per employee. This is still done in order to be able to apply health protocols as much as possible or more precisely to maintain body distance.
"In KRL, users are also limited to a maximum of 74 people per train. These efforts were made by PT KCI to reduce the spread of Covid-19 so that we can be more productive, healthy and safe," said Anne.
Temporary wayWith the increasing number of prospective passengers, one way to overcome this is by adding more train trips than before. As an example, there were 98 additions on the Tangerang route.
This refers to the large number of passengers. Based on the data, around 4,798 people used KRL crossing Tangerang, an increase of 53 percent compared to the previous week.
"With additions starting today, the total KRL trips currently reach 947 trips per day," said Anne.
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