JAKARTA - West Jakarta Metro Police Chief of Kebon Jeruk Police, Commissioner Robinson Manurung, explained that the debt collectors who were ganged up by the masses on Jalan Arterial Kelapa Dua, Kelapa Dua, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta began with residents' frustration over the perpetrator's actions.

Initially, the debt collectors confiscated a motorbike belonging to one of the online motorcycle taxi drivers (ojol) who was working on Monday, September 6 yesterday.

"That's the eagle eye (debt collectors) stopped the victim (ojol) saying he had not paid his credit," said West Jakarta Metro Police Head of Kebon Jeruk Police Commissioner Robinson Manurung when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday 7 September.

The police chief also explained that at that time the victim with the initials RSC (20) was crossing the street, suddenly, he was stopped by two perpetrators who claimed to be from leasing.

Then both of them told the victim that his motorbike was in arrears. The perpetrator then asked the victim to come to the leasing office in Kedoya.

"But because there are goods that must be delivered to consumers, so the victim asks the perpetrator to be delivered first," he said.

Furthermore, when the perpetrator with the initials ADI who was later added to the wanted list (DPO) took over the victim's motorbike and asked the victim to sit in the back or ride a ride.

The victim then together delivered the goods to the Pinang area, Pondok Indah and the Tawakal Grogol Petamburan area, West Jakarta. While the perpetrators of MN followed from behind.

"After delivering the goods, the ADI perpetrator took the victim to the Kebon Jeruk area and when at the TKP the perpetrator stopped and asked the victim to come down and buy stamp duty at Alfamidi and after the victim was in Alfamidi, the two perpetrators fled," he said.

When the victim found out that his motorbike had been taken away, the victim screamed as a thief and spontaneously the witness who was passing by, assisted by residents, managed to secure the perpetrator MN. Meanwhile, the perpetrator with the initials ADI managed to escape.

"Then the police came to the scene and arrested the perpetrator MN and brought him to the Kebon Jeruk Police for further processing," he said.

The action was also recorded by a video uploaded on social media Instagram @gunabdillah. In the 60-second video, it shows the action of a tense motorbike grabbing. Because the victim was seen to be dragged along the streets.

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