JAKARTA - MS's attorney, an employee of the Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) who experienced acts of sexual harassment and bullying or bullying from his work colleagues has submitted documents to the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM).

However, MS was not present with his attorney because until now he still needs time to rest due to his health condition.

"Today we have submitted everything, both documents and a chronology of what happened to our client, MS. So in the future if there are developments, we will submit everything to Komnas HAM," said member of MS's attorney, Rony Hutahean to reporters at the Komnas HAM Office, Jalan Latuharhary, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, September 7th.

Rony said that MS is currently still unable to attend Komnas HAM to provide information. But, if he is ready, he ensures that his client will be ready to convey the events that have happened to him directly.

"We can't say for sure when it will be via zoom or what we need to convey," said Rony.

As previously reported, MS said he was a victim of sexual harassment and bullying by seven of his more senior colleagues.

One of the sexual harassments she experienced was in 2015, when the perpetrators held her head, hands, feet, stripped her naked, and strangled her.

"(They, ed) harassed me by scribbling on my testicles using markers," said MS in a chain message he sent because he felt it was his last resort.

"This incident traumatized me and I lost my emotional stability. How can this kind of evil harassment happen at the Central KPI? What kind of syndicate is the perpetrator? They even documented my gender and made me powerless against them after the tragedy," he added.

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