MEDAN - Afghan refugees demonstrate in front of the CIMB Niaga building, Medan. The refugees requested that they be immediately transferred to the country of destination of asylum.

They have done this demonstration 4 times. The demonstration was followed by refugees from among parents, teenagers, and children carrying banners containing demands.

In the contents of the banner, they thanked the Indonesian government. However, they confirmed their desire to be transferred to a country of asylum destination.

"We thank the Indonesian government for providing a place to live for 10 years. But we really ask for help for repatriation to a third country." wrote them on the banner.

A refugee, Muhammad Juma Mohsini said the demonstration was carried out because they felt they had been forgotten by UNHCR and the UN

"Our goal is not to make noise. But to raise our voices. For 6 -10 years we have been forgotten by UNHCR and the world's UN," said Mohsini.

Now, said Mohsini, the world already knows the situation of their families in Afghanistan, which is currently controlled by the Taliban. Therefore, he questioned why the world's United Nations was silent.

"They (Taliban) have entered the house. And when we know there is an ethnic Hazara we are immediately killed. Now there are more or less hundreds of people here who can't contact their families for about 15 years," he said.

Therefore, they asked the Indonesian government and the United Nations to act to provide assistance.

His request, being unable to return to the original country, was to please relocate them to a third country. For example America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

"Please now, not tomorrow or next year. 13 people have committed suicide because of depression and lived a long time in Indonesia," he said.

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