KALBAR - West Kalimantan Police (Kalbar) arrested 3 people who are intellectual actors in the case of the destruction of a mosque belonging to the Indonesian Ahmadiyya Community (JAI). They were also named as suspects.

"Three suspects have been determined who are intellectual actors," said Head of Public Relations of the West Kalimantan Police, Kombes Donny Charles Go, to VOI, Tuesday, September 7.

However, Donny was reluctant to reveal the initials of the masterminds of the crime. The reason, they are still under investigation.

Not only intellectual actors, continued Donny, his party has again named several other suspects. They are the perpetrators of destruction.

"There are 18 people as perpetrators of vandalism. So far there are 21 people who have been named as suspects," said Donny.

So far, the investigation process is still ongoing. Thus, it is possible that the number of suspects will continue to increase.

The attack and destruction of places of worship and buildings belonging to the Indonesian Ahmadiyah Congregation (JAI) in West Kalimantan occurred on September 3.

A group of people using stones and bamboo damaged the mosque building located in Balai Gana Village, Temunuk District, Sintang Regency.

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