KPK: State Administrators Under 40 Are More Compliant To Report Wealth
KPK Building (VOI)

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) says state officials under the age of 40 are more obedient to report their assets.

Thus, the KPK considers young people who sit as officials in the government to have more awareness than those who are more senior.

"There is a strange trend. The biggest ones are required to send LHKPN in the 40-60 year age group, but if we look now the most obedient is under 40 years old," Pahala said in an online discussion broadcast on the KPK RI YouTube, Tuesday. , September 7th.

"So if it is said at the KPK, the younger you are, the more obedient the older you are, the harder it is to be told to obey and this is promising data," he added.

Compliance with this age range of less than 40 years occurs in the legislature, judiciary, and executive. "They are even more obedient. So from the age of under 40 it is almost perfect," said Pahala.

Responding to this, the Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo said that people who are older than 40 years usually have difficulty in reporting LHKPN. Moreover, this reporting is done electronically.

"The obedience of the young is better than the old one because it involves stagnation (technological stuttering) as well. On average, the older ones like us are somewhat clueless about technology, so they have to order staff or other young people," said Bamsoet in the same discussion.

Thus, he denied that members of the legislature, especially those who were older, did not obey the report because they covered something. According to Bamsoet, they were only hampered because they had to input data electronically.

"The old ones are more difficult because they are not technically faced with a technology. While the younger ones have much better IT literacy," he concluded.

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