JAKARTA - A number of high-ranking names in the Indonesian National Army (TNI) have begun to be echoed as candidates for the TNI Commander in Chief to replace Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, who will retire in November.

Military observer from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS) Khairul Fahmi, assessed that the three leaders of each dimension have competitive advantages. Because the obstacles in the Navy, Army and Air Force are different.

The names that stick out are KSAD General Andika Perkasa, KSAL Admiral Yudo Margono, and KSAU Marshal Padjar Prasetyo. The name of the head of the TNI is also included, Eko Margiyono.

“The current three Chiefs of Staff are the best officers in their respective dimensions. So there is no need to compare the advantages," said Khairul, Monday, September 6.

Moreover, said Khairul, President Joko Widodo has his own criteria, priorities and needs regarding the candidate for the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. However, it is hoped that the President and DPR will be selective in choosing without an image and reputation without seeing the reality objectively.

"Obviously the right of the president to determine the successor to the commander-in-chief, but I hope you don't get trapped in building an image and reputation without seeing reality objectively," he said. Khairul then mentioned the policy of the Army Chief of Staff General Andika Perkasa regarding the polemic of the virginity test. According to him, it is like wanting to show the problem of coordination and command in the TNI. General Andika Perkasa, he said, should be able to provide compliance and encourage appropriate policy changes.

"Yes, that (virginity test, ed), what's the motive? It is as if the Indonesian Army is more progressive than others," he added.

Therefore, he hopes that President Jokowi can determine the TNI Commander who obeys the law.

"Whoever the President chooses should be a figure who has loyalty, is upright without obstacles, and is ready to carry out orders without being carried away by interests outside the interests of the state," Khairul concluded.

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