JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confirms that the handling of the money laundering crime (TPPU) case that ensnared the former Kutai Kartanegara Regent Rita Widyasari continues.

This was conveyed after the appearance of Rita's name in the summary of the indictment of the former KPK investigator, Stepanus Robin Pattuju. The broker in this case is said to have received money from a number of parties, including Rita Widyasari, amounting to Rp5.17 billion.

"KPK ensures that the handling of this case is still ongoing. The team is still working to complete the investigation files," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri told reporters, Monday, September 6.

He said his party would continue to work to resolve the alleged money laundering. "So it is not appropriate if there are parties who say this case is stalled," said Ali.

Furthermore, the KPK will not arbitrarily name other suspects in the alleged receipt of money by Stepanus. The reason is that this determination must be in accordance with the adequacy of the evidence.

"KPK in naming someone as a suspect is certainly not because of the wishes of certain parties, but because of the adequacy of evidence," said Ali.

He also ensured that his party would continue to uncover and resolve the alleged receipt of the money in question, of course, in accordance with applicable regulations.

"As long as sufficient evidence is found, the KPK will certainly not hesitate to designate any party as a suspect for its development," said Ali.

"And of course we always inform every progress of the investigation process in a transparent manner," he added.

For information, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) named Rita a suspect in ML together with the Commissioner of PT Media Bangun Bersama Khairudin in 2018. In this case, they are suspected of placing, transferring and spending money from corruption to disguise the origin of the money.

As previously reported, in the summary of the indictment uploaded to the Case Investigation Information System (SIPP) of the Central Jakarta District Court, it was stated that Stepanus received a total of Rp. 11,025,077,000 and US$ 36,000 from a number of cases.

In carrying out his actions, Stepanus was assisted by lawyer Maskur Husain. The two of them worked together as case brokers from July 2020 to April this year.

Stepanus recorded five receipts of money for handling certain corruption allegations. First, he allegedly received money from the inactive Tanjungbalai Mayor M Syahrial in the amount of Rp. 1.695 billion to stop handling cases of buying and selling positions in the Tanjungbalai City Government.

Next, Stepanus is suspected of receiving money from the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Azis Syamsuddin, and a private party named Aliza Gunadi. The two men gave Rp3.09 billion and US$36 thousand.

Third, he is suspected of receiving Rp507.39 million from the inactive Mayor of Cimahi Ajay Muhammad Priatna. This money is related to the case of receiving gratuities from the Bunda Hospital in Cimahi, West Java.

Fourth, Stepanus is suspected of having received Rp525 million from the President Director of PT Tenjo Jaya Usman Effendi.

Finally, he is suspected of receiving Rp5.17 billion in money from former Kutai Kartanegara Regent Rita Widyasar who was involved in gratification and money laundering cases at the KPK.

"It is reasonable to suspect that the gift or promise was given to mobilize him to do or not do something in his position," reads the summary of the indictment.

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