Don't Digress! PDIP Asks Amien Rais To 'Show The Nose' Of The Figure Who Rolled Out A 3 Term President
Chairman of the PDIP DPP, Djarot Saiful Hidayat/Antara

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) has spoken about the accusation by the chairman of the Ummat Party Syuro Council, Amien Rais, regarding the issue of the 3rd term president in the amendment to the Constitution. The reason is, Amien accused PDIP of being behind the re-heating of the issue.

"Just point your nose, who? It's definitely not the PDI-P. Don't ramble on!," said PDIP DPP chairman Djarot Saiful Hidayat to reporters on Monday, September 6. According to him, it is better for each figure to work together to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic that is still looming over the country.

Djarot also ensured that the PDIP adhered to the constitution in which the rules for limiting the presidential term of office were clearly stated in Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution, namely that the president and vice president hold office for five years, and after that, they can be re-elected in the same office, only for one time. length of service.

The mandate of the Constitution, he said, is also in line with the spirit of reform after the New Order (Orba) power.

"The beginning of the reform movement was aimed at ending the New Order government, which was full of KKN, because there was no clear and unequivocal term limit in Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution," said the member of the PDIP faction in the DPR.

Previously, the Chairman of the Ummat Party Syuro Council Amien Rais said that the 1945 Constitution amendment plan had been discussed since 2019. Amien Rais also revealed the parties who discussed and raised the discourse.

"Indeed, the plan for amendments (to the 1945 Constitution, regarding the presidential term) has been discussed since 2019 by pro-Jokowi figures," said Amien Rais when delivering his speech on political tausyiah at the Virtual Tumpengan Ceremony of Legal Entities for the Ummat Party, Sunday, August 5.

Then, continued Amien, they deliberately lowered the issue to see the public's assessment. According to him, the party who threw the issue was also not the party he called a formal supporter. He also mentioned the PDI-P.

“Suddenly this issue went down as if it had gone quiet. After that, PDIP friends were appointed again, especially those who were not official PDIP, non-formal supporters. There are individuals who get the task of testing on the water," said Amien.

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