JAKARTA - The government is targeting a decrease in the number of COVID-19 cases in Papua before the XX National Sports Week (PON) on October 2 to October 15, 2022. Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto as Chair of the PC-PEN Committee reminded the Papua Province Forkompimda (Pangdam) , Kapolda, Kajati) to continue to work together more closely to encourage a decrease in the number of active cases. , to the regencies/cities, especially the five regencies/cities that are directly related to the implementation of the PON, namely Jayapura Regency, Jayapura City, Mimika Regency, Merauke Regency, and Keerom Regency as buffers. I entrust it to the Forkompimda, so that the level of this case can be lowered in the next 1-2 weeks," said Airlangga in a statement in Jakarta, Sunday coordination with regional heads, DPRP Chairmen, Forkompimda, and Papua Provincial OPD Heads, as well as Regents/Mayors together with Regency/City Forkompimda throughout the Papua Province which was carried out in a hybrid manner in Jayapura. and provide directions for corrective steps, as well as listen to the aspirations and input of regional heads in the easternmost region of Indonesia. At the beginning of the coordination meeting, it was explained about the number of active cases in Papua Province as of September 3, 2021, which still reached 12,378 cases, or an increase of 6, 8 percent compared to last August 9. This condition makes Papua Province have the second largest number of active cases (outside Java-Bali) under North Sumatra Province with 19,422 cases.

However, in general, at the national level, there was a decline in active cases in areas outside Java and Bali, namely in Sumatra (-48.41 percent), Nusa Tenggara (-71.20 percent), Kalimantan (-60.25 percent), Maluku -Papua-West Papua (-29.26 percent). Especially for Papua Province, as of September 3, 2021, the cumulative number of active cases from last year was 32,568 cases (0.79% national share), while active cases in the past week were 12,378 cases ( 38 percent). As for the cumulative percentage from the beginning of the pandemic until September 3, 2021, the cure rate reached 19,832 cases (60.9 percent), and the death rate was 358 cases (1.1 percent). The positivity rate is still quite high, especially in Supiori Regency (60 percent). ), Central Mamberamo (33.3 percent), so the number of testing still needs to be increased. Testing achievement is quite high in only Boven Digoel Regency and Jayapura City, which is already more than 80 percent. When viewed from the risk zoning, Papua Province is included in the medium risk zone (orange zone). There are 15 districts/cities with low risk (green zone), 14 districts/cities with moderate risk (orange zone). Meanwhile, the bed occupancy rate or the Papua Province BOR is 36 percent, above the National BOR (22 percent). A number of BOR districts/cities are still above 50 percent, especially in Lanny Jaya and Mappi (100 percent), Mimika, Tolikara, Boven Digul, Jayawijaya (> 50 percent). Papua by 18.03 percent (still below the national achievement of 31.32 percent). "For the five districts/cities related to the implementation of PON, at least 70 percent of the first dose is required before the PON begins, and we will immediately pursue the second dose. President, viewers who have not been vaccinated cannot participate in PON. Therefore, the public must be ready to be vaccinated immediately," said Airlangga. 2021, which is 13.14 percent (yoy). The sectors that grew positively and had quite high growth were the mining and quarrying sector (34.44 percent), followed by the transportation and warehousing sector (14.82 percent), as well as the provision of accommodation and food and drink (6.71 percent). must continue to be maintained, therefore the central government intensifies the distribution of People's Business Credit (KUR) in Papua Province. From January to September 2, 2021, the distribution of KUR in the province has reached Rp1.4 trillion and was given to 31,097 debtors. ), followed by the services sector (23.56 percent), and the agriculture, hunting and forestry sectors (16.78 percent). Airlangga. Then, the realization of the total earmarked expenditure of the General Allocation Fund (DAU) / Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) aggregated for the province of Papua was 14.69 percent and for the realization of the health worker incentive budget of 16.7 percent and vaccination support was 8.62 percent. "This matter needs to be a concern for each regional government. We hope that in the remaining four months of 2021, higher budgets can be absorbed," said Airlangga.

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