JAKARTA - An employee of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) victim of sexual harassment, MSA, has revoked the power of attorney given to him by the National Police. Instead, MS has appointed 8 people as new attorneys to handle his case.

One member of MS's attorney, Muhammad Mualimin, revealed that his client had given power of attorney to a lawyer given by the Police. This happened when MS underwent an examination at the Central Jakarta Police Office on Thursday, September 2, yesterday.

After the examination, MS was suddenly presented with documents related to the attorney who would handle his case. In the document it was written that MS gave power of attorney to a lawyer named Rogate Oktoberius Halawa. Because of misunderstanding, MS finally signed the document.

"At that time he did not have much consideration. When he was offered a lawyer from the Police, he had not thought about the consequences of the signature," said Mualimin when contacted by reporters, Saturday, September 4, afternoon.

But the next day, MS just realized his mistake. He finally revoked the power of attorney given by the Police.

He then gave power of attorney to Mualimin and seven other lawyers who were all members of one team.

"Based on the negotiations between him and his family, he wants a lawyer who is already known. To make it comfortable and comfortable," said Mualimin.

Mualimin himself has known MS since 2014. MS has also told Mualimin cases of bullying and sexual harassment by his office colleagues since 2019.

However, MS only has the courage to open his case to the public now. With MS' approval, Mualimin also wrote an open letter related to stories of bullying and sexual harassment at the KPI office.

In the open letter it was stated that MS had tried to report the bullying and sexual harassment he experienced to his superiors to the police, but there was no response.

The open letter immediately spread quickly on social media on Wednesday, September 1, 2021. The KPI commissioner immediately formed an internal investigation team to investigate this case.

KPI also immediately accompanied MS to make a report to the Central Jakarta Metro Police.

MS reported five KPI employees who had harassed him on October 22, 2015, namely RM, FP, RT, E0 and CL.

In his report, MS said that the harassment was carried out in the work room at the Central KPI Office. MS, who was working, was suddenly approached by the reported parties.

They immediately grabbed MS's body, took off his pants and scribbled on his cock with a marker. Not quite there, the reported also took photos of MS's genitals which had been scribbled on.

The police immediately moved quickly to investigate this case. Central Jakarta Police has scheduled summons to 5 KPI employees suspected of sexually harassing MS on Monday, September 6, the day after tomorrow. (Rizky Sulistio)

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