JAKARTA - Commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Beka Ulung Hapsara suspects that MS, an employee of the Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) has been sexually harassed and bullied by his co-workers.

This reason made his party return to work even though in 2017, they had advised MS to report his senior actions at work to the police because it was indicated as a criminal act.

"Why is Komnas HAM currently dealing with it again? Because we see that there are allegations of neglect and the victims were not handled properly," said Beka, quoted from a video caption that was shown on Komnas HAM's Public Relations YouTube, Saturday, September 4.

This assessment occurred because the acts of sexual harassment and bullying experienced by MS turned out to be reoccurring and causing trauma to affect health.

"That's why we decided to immediately handle this case. So that justice and recovery of victims can also be obtained," said Beka.

Furthermore, Komnas HAM will also provide and seek protection for victims and provide assistance. In addition, efforts to restore trauma will also be carried out.

All of this was done to maintain the courage of MS to speak out about the sexual harassment and bullying he experienced in his workplace.

"However, we really appreciate the courage of the victims to reveal the events that occurred to the public. Not all victims have that kind of spirit and courage. And that's what I think we have to guard against, it's at this stage now," said Beka.

As previously reported, MS said he was a victim of sexual harassment and bullying by seven of his more senior colleagues.

One of the sexual harassments she experienced was in 2015, when the perpetrators violently grabbed her head, hands, feet, stripped her naked, stabbed her, and abused her.

Related to this case, the Criminal Investigation Police also intervened to investigate this matter. In fact, a team of investigators has been deployed.

However, the Director of General Crimes at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Brigadier General Andi Rian, has not been able to comment much on the matter. He emphasized that the team that was deployed would seek information and instructions first.

In addition, MS has also reported this case to the Central Jakarta Metro Police on Wednesday, September 1 last night. When reporting, he was accompanied by the Central KPI Commissioner, Nuning Rodiyah.

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