Cirebon City Vehicle Odd-Even System Terminated After COVID-19 Cases Swept There
Motorcycle riders pass by on Siliwangi Street, Cirebon City, West Java, Friday, September 3. (Photo: Khaerul Izan/Antara)

JAKARTA - The odd-even system traffic engineering for vehicles in the city of Cirebon, West Java, began on Saturday, September 4, was stopped after the COVID-19 case in the area had decreased. " said Cirebon City Police Chief AKBP Imron Ermawan in Cirebon, reported by Antara, Friday, September 3. Imron said the stoppage of odd-even traffic engineering was after approval from the Cirebon City Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda). there is an easing of community activities, although currently the implementation of level 3 community activity restrictions (PPKM) is being implemented. For that, he said, all members who are guarding the odd-even system guard posts starting Saturday, September 4 have returned to their respective offices. Tomorrow the guard officers will be returned to their respective institutions," he said.

Imron said the system could be re-applied if COVID-19 cases in Cirebon City increased, but it is hoped that there will be no more additional cases. 19 Cirebon City noted that on Friday, September 3, there were 76 active COVID-19 cases and this was the lowest during the implementation of PPKM.

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