TANGERANG – Members of Koramil 09 Mauk held a Yustisi operation to enforce the Level 3 Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) on Jalan Raya Kemiri, Tangerang Regency. In this operation, officers found dozens of prokes violators who were not wearing masks.

Lieutenant Colonel Inf Bangun, IE Siregar, explained that today the locations targeted for further PPKM operations are Jalan Raya Kemiri and T-junction.

"Operations to enforce PPKM Level 3 in the Koramil 09 Mauk area, Kodim 0510/Trs, to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the region, and to remind residents of the Health Protocol," said Dandim Inf Bangun IE Siregar to reporters, Friday, September 3.

This activity is routinely carried out as long as PPKM continues. The Dandim said that the level 3 micro PPKM judicial operation was carried out with members of the Mauk Police and the Kemiri District Satpol PP. The Dandim emphasized that even though the number of COVID-19 is currently decreasing, it should not be used as an excuse not to wear a mask, vigilance continues to be maintained.

"The implementation of further PPKM operations is to increase the discipline of motorists and the public in complying with government regulations in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Violators of the health protocols will be subject to sanctions at the location." Obviously.

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