JAKARTA - Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives asked President Joko Widodo to immediately send the name of the candidate for the TNI Commander in Chief to replace Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto. The reason is, Hadi will enter retirement on November 8, 2021, right on his 58th birthday.

Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Syaifullah Tamliha, said that ideally, President Jokowi would have proposed a replacement candidate three months before the end of the TNI Commander's term or retirement.

"Usually it is always 3 months before the person concerned has retired", said Tamliha to reporters, Friday, September 3.

Because he continued, it takes time to prepare to conduct a fit and proper test for the candidate for the Commander Of The Indonesian National Armed Forces. Moreover, the House of Representatives session was short in the midst of a busy agenda.

"There is a time constraint, the trial period is only for a short time. Later on October 4th, the recess may be back", the PPP politician said. So, said Tamliha, President Jokowi's initiative is needed to immediately send the name of who will replace Marshal Hadi considering that time is running out.

"If the recess will be on October 4 for a month, it will be November 4. Soon to retire later. And we must not have a vacancy in the position of the Commander Of The Indonesian National Armed Forces", he concluded.

So far, two names are widely mentioned as worthy of replacing Hadi Tjahjanto. The two names are KSAD General Andika Perkasa and KSAL Admiral Yudo Margono. Meanwhile, KSAU Fadjar Prasetyo is unlikely because previously he was from the Air Force Headquarters.

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