JAKARTA - Employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who were declared unable to pass the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) are optimistic that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will give a positive response to the Komnas HAM recommendation sent last week.

The optimism came from the statement by the Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaign of the inactive KPK, Giri Suprapdiono. He is sure that President Jokowi will take wise steps to resolve the controversy over the TWK of KPK employees, which has been busy for some time.

"We are optimistic that the President will make wise decisions regarding the TWK polemic," said Giri when contacted by VOI, Thursday, September 2.

This belief, he continued, arises because the results of the decisions of the Indonesian Ombudsman, Komnas HAM, and the Constitutional Court (MK) clearly and clearly state that KPK employees should be transferred to State Civil Apparatus (ASN) status instead of being re-selected.

In addition, Giri also said that the agency also stated that the selection process had resulted in maladministration, violated the rights of 11 KPK employees, and violated the constitutional rights of 75 employees because it harmed them.

Moreover, if you look at the original intent or mystic intent of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019, KPK employees should be transferred to administrative status and ASN orientation can be carried out if needed.

"The practice of removing high-performing and integrity employees through the guise of TWK selection cannot be justified and must be stopped. The recommendations of these state institutions must be carried out by the KPK, as a form of respect for the law," said Giri.

In his presentation, Giri said it was time for the President to stop all polemics caused by this test. "He as head of government has the authority to appoint civil servants, even to revoke the authority of the civil service officer (PPK) if two conditions are met, namely the merit system and the ineffectiveness of the government," he said.

Moreover, this condition is legally strengthened through a final and binding Constitutional Court Decision so there is no need to wait for another decision. "The final key to solving this polemic is currently the President of the Republic of Indonesia," said Giri.

"We must immediately focus on eradicating corruption and overcoming the pandemic," he added.

Similarly, inactive KPK investigator Yudi Purnomo Harahap also believes that President Jokowi will respond positively to the letter of recommendation sent after the discovery of human rights violations in the process of changing the status of KPK employees to State Civil Apparatus (ASN). According to him, this response is important to save efforts to eradicate corruption in the country.

Moreover, some time ago, he continued, President Jokowi stated that 75 employees who did not pass the TWK should not be dismissed. "And referring to the consideration of the Constitutional Court that the transfer of status should not harm KPK employees who have contributed to eradicating corruption," said Yudi.

VOI has tried to contact the Special Staff of the Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) Faldo Maldini to ask for information regarding the submission of the letter. However, so far he has not provided any information.

For information, Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara said his party had submitted a recommendation regarding the implementation of the KPK TWK in which there were violations of human rights.

The letter was sent directly to President Jokowi with a copy to the Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) last week.

In a letter containing recommendations regarding the implementation of the TWK for KPK employees, Komnas HAM has submitted its executive summary. "Also (we, ed) asked the president for time so that he could fully explain the findings and recommendations," said Beka when contacted.

As previously reported, Komnas HAM stated that there were 11 rights violations experienced by KPK employees in the implementation of TWK, namely the right to justice and legal certainty; women's rights; the right not to discriminate; the right to freedom of religion and belief; right to work; and the right to security.

The next right that is violated is the right to information; right to privacy; the right to freedom of assembly and association; the right to participate in government; and the right to freedom of expression.

As a result of this violation, Komnas HAM issued five recommendations which were submitted to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as the highest authority holder and the highest civil service officer.

The contents of the recommendations include appointing employees who do not pass the TWK as ASN and restoring the good name of employees who are stigmatized as a result of this incident.

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