MATARAM - The former secretary of Sesait Village, North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Dedi Supriadi, who was accused of corruption, was said to have embezzled village funds and the 2019 budget year's village fund budget of IDR 1.01 billion.

This was stated by the Public Prosecutor in Dedi Supriadi's indictment which was read at the Mataram Corruption Court. Prosecutor Wayan Suryawan said the embezzlement of village funds was carried out with the monopoly mode of working on village physical projects and managing the capital of the Sesait BUMDes.

"In his accountability report, the defendant cannot show the realization of the use of his budget, but it is used for personal interests," Wayan said when reading the indictment.

The source of the Sesait Village budget in 2019 came from village funds of IDR 2.45 billion; ADD Rp1.43 billion; Profit Sharing of Taxes and Levies (BHPR) Rp235.15 million; and the remaining more than a fixed income of Rp. 668.45 million. The budget is then used for the expenditure of physical projects and the procurement of village goods.

However, the defendant Dedi in his role as the Sesait Village Secretary did not follow the rules for managing village funds.

"A number of activities should have been carried out by the Activity Implementation Team (TPK) but were taken over by the defendant," he said.

The physical projects monopolized by the defendants included the construction of inter-hamlet roads worth Rp. 178.58 million. The road project connecting the three hamlets failed to be implemented due to stalled construction.

There were also findings of a lack of project work on the construction of Bale Pusaka with a budget of IDR 250 million; the Talud Ara construction project worth Rp320.19 million; and procurement of 1,760 durian seedlings for Rp260.48 million.

In addition, the defendant in his position borrowed the capital participation of BUMDes Sesait in the amount of Rp. 200 million with the mode of increasing the cost of physical activities.

"However, the defendant used his personal interests," he said.

Then the project for the construction of the Peresean traditional performing arts tribune which cost Rp. 631.28 million. Initially, the budget was prepared for the construction of a village market.

"It turns out that the implementation of the construction has a volume shortage, causing a loss of IDR 502.82 million," said Wayan. The appearance of the loss figure in this case has been confirmed by the public prosecutor based on the results of the audit of the North Lombok Inspectorate.

"Because of the defendant's actions, the results of the inspectorate's audit found potential state losses amounting to IDR 1.01 billion," he said.

After hearing the indictment read out, the defendant through his legal advisor asked for an opportunity before the panel of judges to submit a note of objection (exception) next week.

"We hereby declare that the trial is adjourned and will resume on Monday, September 6 next week with the agenda of reading the exception from the defendant through his legal advisor," said Chief Justice Kadek Dedy Arcana, closing his inaugural trial.

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