CIANJUR - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA), I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmavati, immediately made regulations to support regional regulations related to the prohibition of contract marriage, including in Cianjur, West Java.

"The regent's regulation made by the Cianjur Regency Government regarding the prohibition of contract marriage is the right first step. We appreciate that the Perbup prohibiting contract marriage is a solution that has not been resolved for a long time in a number of areas, so that later it can strengthen the regional regulation," said Darmavati in Cianjur, quoted by Antara. , Thursday, September 2nd.

However, for the implementation of the Regent's Regulation, it must be supported by all parties so that there are no more cases of contract marriages in areas that have already implemented the Regent's Regulation, including monitoring and reporting of citizens in assisting the government.

Meanwhile, the central government will follow up by strengthening regulations through regulations and coordinating with other relevant ministries because it requires the role of all cross-institutions.

"We will involve other relevant ministries, so that the regulations can support the rules that are already in effect in each region, including the steps for fostering and empowering those who have been involved in contract marriages," he said.

The Minister of PPPA appreciated the steps taken by the Cianjur Regency Government, in making a countermeasure scheme, so that women victims of contract marriages become female heads of families where they are economically empowered to be more independent.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Cianjur, Herman Suherman, said that until now, the Regent's Regulation had not been maximally disseminated because it was hampered by the pandemic, but it had been intensified on government-owned social media.

Even now, he said, they are currently drafting a regional regulation so that the enforcement of contract marriage practices is stricter with sanctions imposed. However, his party is waiting for the central government to issue regulations as a legal basis to strengthen Regional Regulations.

"Because the center will make regulations that will strengthen regional regulations, we will wait for it to be in line with the regulations that have been drafted, including the empowerment that will be carried out on women victims of contract marriages," he said.

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