MEDAN - Families of COVID-19 patients at Columbia Asia Hospital, Medan were surprised by the bill for treatment costs. During the treatment for about 25 days, the bill reached Rp448 million.

The patient's family, Penggeng Harahap, said the patient, Ria Anjelina Siregar, had been admitted to Columbia Asia Hospital since July 27.

The patient entered with symptoms of fever and coughing up blood. When a PCR swab test was carried out, the patient tested positive for COVID-19.

"At that time, the hospital gave patients the option of being independent or having insurance. They chose to pay independently," said Penggeng, Thursday, September 2.

After that, however, they were no longer given a payment option. He also admitted that his party did not try to move the patient to another place because he saw the patient's critical condition.

"Maybe it's because of the village, which one is here. After being positive from the hospital, no one gave anything. Because the patient's condition was already severe, he was admitted to the ICU until he died," he explained.

After he died, the family was shocked to find a bill of IDR 448 million during his hospitalization. Then, after this issue came up, there was a reduction in the bill.

"After we got the news, and the meeting with that person there was a change in the numbers. So what we owe is Rp. 87 million and (the bill) to the government is Rp. 368 million. This Rp. 87 million is non-medical services, the person said," he said.

Separately, the GM of Columbia Asia Hospital, Deny Hidayat, said that his party had given a choice of financing when the patient first entered the hospital. The family, said the hospital, chose to make payments independently.

He emphasized that his party accepts all forms of payment for COVID-19 patients.

"Patients choose, we only accommodate. Patients come willing to pay personally," said Deny.

Deny said the patient was admitted to the Columbia Asia Hospital in Medan with a severe condition. Upon arrival, the patient is immediately admitted to the ICU for incentive care.

Not only that, Deny also emphasized that his party provides information related to financing to the patient's family every day.

"On August 19, he died with a total cost of Rp. 456 million. He had a deposit of Rp. 166 million. When the last payment was made, the patient said he could not pay," he explained.

Regarding this problem, Deny explained that his party had provided convenience by claiming patient financing to the Ministry of Health. However, the patient's husband never signed the required documents to file a claim.

"We only ask the patient's husband, he cannot be represented by signing the claim letter to the Ministry of Health," said Denny.

If the husband has signed it, Deny said that the remaining family obligations are Rp. 87 million. This obligation can be deducted from deposits that have been paid by the family.

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