JAKARTA - Police from the Tanjung Duren Metro Police, West Jakarta, inspected the location where smoke was described as being behind the Taman Anggrek apartment building, in Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta. Reported by Antara, Thursday, September 2, the Head of Tanjung Duren Police, Kompol Rosana Albertina Labobar, visited the Taman Anggrek Mall shopping center to check the location of the smoke plume. Rosana, who was accompanied by an officer from Taman Anggrek Mall, seemed to be heading towards the location of the puff of smoke behind the Taman Anggrek apartment building. Previously, photos circulated in several WhatsApp (WA) groups taken from above, depicting a puff of smoke located behind the Taman Anggrek complex. , in Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta. Meanwhile, the Head of Ops for the West Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Suket Bahanan, stated that he had just heard the information. "Just got the news from the office. We immediately check," he said. Meanwhile, Public Relations of Taman Anggrek, said the smoke appeared because the officers were carrying out maintenance on the generator. Until now, the police have not been able to determine what the exact cause of the emergence of the puff of smoke.

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