JAKARTA - Even though President Jokowi has firmly stated that he rejects the effort to amend the 1945 Constitution to extend the term of office of the president, this discourse is still being rolled out. Leaders of political parties, political observers, founders of survey institutions and volunteers are still frying this issue. According to the Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, Hidayat Nur Wahid, on the issue of extending the presidential term, PKS agrees with President Jokowi. They both do not agree that there will be an additional term of office for the president from what has been mandated by the constitution.
Those who want Jokowi to lead again after the end of his second term of office are already planning to roll out the issue of amendments to the 1945 Constitution. As stated by Hidayat, so far there has been no MPR member who has proposed it. In this context, they are just waiting. If someone proposes a constitutional amendment, it will be reviewed. "We'll just have to wait, if someone proposes it later, we will examine it by referring to Article 37 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the 1945 Constitution which regulates the issue of amendments," he said.
If the proposed amendment passes the two rules above; Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 37 of the 1945 Constitution, the MPR will hold a plenary session with material on the constitutional amendments proposed by the proposing parties. “In the provisions stipulated in Articles 3 and 4, the MPR plenary session must be attended by a minimum of two-thirds of the MPR members. And if in the trial 50 percent plus one MPR member agrees, then there will be an amendment to the 1945 Constitution," he said.

Many parties are optimistic that with the 7 parties already joining the coalition supporting the president, this amendment will be smooth in the MPR. "With the 7 parties joining, only four people are left to pass this amendment proposal, there are those who think so. That's the theory. But in the field it will not necessarily be like that. Is it true that all parties propose amendments to the same theme (extension of the presidential term)? To this day, it has not been proven,” said the second president of the PKS.
The problem, he continued, was that the MPR received a recommendation from the previous MPR regarding the Principles of State Policy (PPHN). "We have an institution that conducts studies to bring back what was previously called the GBHN (Outlines of the State Policy) into the Principles of State Policy (PPHN). At this level the MPR is not yet one word. Many have proposed amendments to this PPHN but PKS does not agree that there is an amendment to the 1945 Constitution for this issue," said Hidayat Nur Wahid.
Why did MCC not agree? “We view that the PPHN is necessary, but there is no need for an amendment to the 1945 Constitution. It is enough to strengthen the existing RPJM Law. If the goal is to bring sustainability in development," he continued.
Priority Scale
At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is still hitting, council members and MPR members should think about priorities. Which really needs to be resolved. “In this era of extraordinary pandemic, all of our minds should be focused on implementing the provisions of the constitution. That is to protect all of Indonesia's bloodshed, to protect all Indonesian people. That is protecting from COVID-19 and the effects caused by COVID-19," he said.
That should be the priority right now. "Because we need a clear mind for the amendment of the 1945 Constitution and a conducive situation. There is no need to worry about the various impacts of COVID-19, which are so devastating as they are today," he continued.
He did not agree with this attempt to ride the COVID-19 case to extend the presidential term. "I don't agree with those who take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic situation to extend the president's term of office. Or because of COVID-19, we can't hold general elections," said Hidayat.
The problem is that if the election is postponed, it means that the constitution is not implemented. “Because it violates Article 22e paragraphs 1 and 2. That the presidential and legislative elections are held every five years. Another is Article 7 of the 195 Constitution that the president and vice president have a five-year term and can only be elected once in the same term," said Hidayat Nur Wahid regarding the addition of Jokowi's two-term presidency.
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