JAKARTA - The police did not only confiscate evidence of methamphetamine in the series of arrests of the comedian Reza Pardede alias Coki Pardede. The police also found a syringe.

"Yes, there are (injections)," said Tangerang Metro Police Narcotics Head AKBP Pratomo Widodo when contacted, Thursday, September 2.

However, Pratomo did not specify where the syringe was found. In addition, the allocation of the needles that have been confiscated has not yet been conveyed.

The reason is that the evidence of the syringe will be developed. So, later on, this narcotics case will become more clear.

"We are still investigating later, we will search again," said Pratomo.

Previously, Coki Pardede was arrested on suspicion of using methamphetamine. He was arrested at his residence in the Cisauk area, South Tangerang, Wednesday, September 1.

From the arrest, the police confiscated a package of methamphetamine. Later, the police also arrested the supplier of methamphetamine to Coki Pardede.

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